Friday, October 31, 2014


My best halloween. Is when I was 10 years old.  I was visiting my grandparents in Mexico.They always told as scaring story. They were about people at die. They were people that woke up die and and walked with the living.So I alway scarred to walk alone at night to tell my sister to come to the house because it was late for a girl to be out at 11 and it dark in Mexico.

There is no light but the one on the house and the light were small. They didn't give much light. So it was dark.A day before halloween all my came together. To celebrate my little  cousin birthday. She was turn 8 years old. she want a halloween party and my aunt told her yes. And I dress up and my whole my from Mexico did too. My little cousin was happy.

But I was scarred because it was dark and outside was even darker. so my older sister took me home and told me not to out because she was back to the party. The party was across the street. So i did't really care that I was alone. But then I hear a sound. It was come form the living room. I waked to the the living room.

 There was nothing and couldn't see well. So I walk to the light switch. And turn it on.It was aunt that has fall in a sleep. in the living room. So I brought a blanket. She was too heaven to move. So went back to my grandparents room and went to sleep. In  the morning was ate pancakes. then the the night came I went to trick or treat with my big sister. And thats my best Halloween.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


      My goals is life is to become a doctor. I want to be a person that saves live every day. I know its not going to be easy getting there but I'll do my best to get there.I would have to  graduate high school first.then I would have to go to college. I don't know what college to go to yet. I still thinking if I really want to be doctor. I would have to work so I can my college class and book you need. I going to learn about the human body and how it works. It sound fun but it could be hard. learning all the name of the body parts in a person.
       And just thinking that someone can die on you. Its just makes it harder for me to pick what I really want to do. If I do become a doctor my family would be so happy for me. I would be the first doctor in my whole family. I mean I would happy for myself too.  Some doctor get pay so good. By the time they stop working they don't have to wronging but there life because they can go there they want to go. Some doctor are so rich they live better than movie actors. Some doctor are friends with the actors. Some for them travel all the time and help others. they help the poor. They have vacations with there families.I have a long way to there.  
        Just thinking about 7 to 8 years in medal school. And paying all those year. Thats a all of money. But With the help of my family I can't there someday. Be the doctor I want to be.As I said before I its a long time in school. Its half of my 20s.I'm not sure If I want to give up those years in school.I have to than I guess I will give them up.One I have to do and its not that bad.    

Friday, October 3, 2014

Favorite Film

            My favorite is Walk of Shame. Her name is Maghan Miles. The movie is about girl that she has a bad day. Her boyfriend leaves her. That night she goes out with friends. They get drunk. She tried and tries to go home but she is so drunk that she cant go. Then so guy comes and help her but they go to him house. They start to drink even more. So now there both drunk. They hook up and she wake up. she needs to get to work. So she grads her thing and her car keys.
            She start to look of her car and a towing car takes her car. She start walking she see taxi. She gets in the taxi and the guy takes her a striper place. She tells him he take her to the wrong place. She starts to run away because the guy thinks she striper. Then she gets in  trouble with the police thinks she a hooker. She run in with a guy thats sales drugs.
           Then police come. So she need to hide and she follows the drug guy. The funniest part happen. The guy finds out some other guy has a T.V. So he said him "you have a T.V. " the other guy said "yes " and the other said "you need to sale that sh*t you own me money." She need to run away again because these other guy come to shoot the place where she was. that the end she doesn't get her car back and she has to go to work the news was talking a about her the lady with the yellow dress.          

Thursday, October 2, 2014

How Many Handshakes

10 people = 45 handshakes just added all the numbers form 9 down

11 people= 55 added 10 to the last problem

20 people=  100 handshakes did the same thing as the first one but started at 19